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A Dash of Freshness For your Home
Ditch the boring greys and mundane beige colours. Give your home a refreshing lick of paint in shades of yellow, orange and lime. Nothing says summer like these colours and these will add a lovely freshness to your space.
A Peak Into History
Time travel with a glorious and rich throwback to the culture of the Appalachian people. Warm, deep colours are beautifully showcased with the use of colourful accents. They didn’t shy away from bold prints, loud colours and dazzling designs - and you shouldn’t too.
Add a touch of feather
In a world dominated by lines, rules and strong marks, add your personal touch of whimsical with one decor element that just doesn’t fit in. A feather that plays by no rules, vases that hold no regular shape or just a colour that just fit into a mould. Unlike anything else. So much like you.
Always the first home
The aroma of grandmother’s cooking, the creaking of grandfather’s chair and the verandah where you played under the scorching sun - the first family home is always special. Paint it with bright hues to envy your neighbour.
Be a Couch Potato
With a couch that allows you to sink in, cushions that add a dash of colour and friends for company, your living room can become the space where conversations happen. Dress up the couch with a throw in a bright colour and add some highlights with handpicked centerpieces.
Be a crowd. A fun crowd.
Having someone over? Or an addition to the family? A table for three is always fun. If you've chosen solid colours for the walls, add elements of prints with your chair upholstery. Show off these with interesting lights and quirk up your space with quirky cutlery.Latest Happenings in the Paint World
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