A holistic approch
To sustainability.

GRI Standards
GRI 413: Local Communities | Sections/Comments | ||
GRI 103-1 | Management approach: Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | ||
GRI 103-2 | Management approach: The management approach and its components | ||
GRI 103-3 | Management approach: Evaluation of the management approach | ||
GRI 413-1 | Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs |
Activities by CSR | |
GRI 413-2 | Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities | No operations with significant negative impact on local community. |
Corporate Social Responsibility
Touching Lives – Across the Community –
As a responsible corporate citizen, we hold a steadfast belief in the well-being of society. Embracing a partnership approach, we actively engage in meaningful initiatives that promote shared progress and inclusive growth. These endeavours complement our core business proposition, which revolves around promoting well-being through colours. By combining our business goals with a genuine commitment to societal welfare, we strive to create a positive impact and contribute to the holistic development of the communities we serve. Our approach embodies the understanding that true success is achieved when both our business and the wider society thrive together.
Mission & Philosophy of CSR function –
The Mission and philosophy of CSR function of the Company is “To contribute positively to the development of the society, by acting as a good neighbour, considerate of others, playing the role of a good corporate citizen with passion and compassion.” Hence the CSR activities undertaken by the organisation essentially focus on four core areas of Environment, Health, Education and Community Development. The focus of the Company is to contribute to various institutions and initiatives around the manufacturing locations to provide social services to the needy.
CSR Vision of the Company –
The CSR vision of the Company is to strive to be a responsible corporate by proactively partnering in the Environmental, Social and Economic development of the communities through the use of innovative technologies, products as well as through activities beyond normal business.
CSR Roles & Responsibilities

The company has constituted a CSR Committee of the Board, consisting of a judicious combination of independent and non-independent Directors to guide and drive CSR agenda of the organization.
The CSR Committee guides through the following major activities:

Approving the CSR programmes to be undertaken by the company, as specified in schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013

Recommendation of the amount of expenditure to be incurred on these activities

Monitoring the CSR policy of the company from time to time

The CSR Sub-Committee ensures execution of various CSR activities.
We engage in CSR initiatives by collaborating with our team, NGO partners, and government entities.
We actively encourage our employees to volunteer their time and skills in these endeavours.
Through our dedicated CSR efforts, we remain committed to creating a positive impact and contributing to the well-being and development of the communities we serve.

Livelihood & Skill Enhancement

- Impart training to unemployed youth to enhance their capacity and skill-set through Mobile Training Academy.
- Women Empowerment through livelihood intervention.

Promoting Education

- Collaborate with various educational institutes to promote education in rural areas and provide educational training and guidance to underprivileged students.
- Renovation of science labs, drinking water facility, installation of solar power equipment, construction of boundary wall and classroom at various schools and educational institutes

Rural/Community Development

- Construction of bus shelter, provision of drinking water facility, community halls, borewells.
- Work to provide basic infrastructure/facilities to the rural community residing in the nearby areas of the plants in order to improve their basic living standards.

Preventive Health Care and Sanitation

- Seek to provide basic health care & sanitation facilities to improve general health conditions and sanitation of the communities we operate in.
- Setting up health camps, creating awareness, building toilets in villages, common public places and schools.

Ensuring Environmental Sustainability

- Implementation of watershed development projects - pond cleaning, desilting/deepening of the pond and overall pond restoration.
- Focus on sustaining ecological balance through beautification projects and plantation activities, among others.

Restoration of Buildings & Sites of Historical Importance

- Projects for the Conservation of National Heritage sites, Art & Culture.
- Promotion & Development of Traditional Arts and Handicrafts
KNPL is committed to create maximum positive value through long-term symbiotic relationships with the communities we operate in.
The Company has carried out impact assessment in terms of Rule 8(3) of the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, as amended, through an independent agency for a project having outlay of `1 Crore or more and that has completed not less than one year before undertaking the impact study.
The CSR Programs covered a large number of beneficiaries across the nation. The training programs enhanced the skill set of all the beneficiaries which benefitted them in various ways. It is also evident that their income increased significantly after the training program. Hence, the CSR projects can be stated as highly impactful.
Impact on Sustainable Development Goals: